Doing volleyball drills may not be your favorite way to spend your
afternoons, but the volleyball training will make you a much better
player! Volleyball is one of the most enjoyable sports, especially for
those who like to hit the beach. Playing indoor or beach volleyball can
be fun, though many people take it seriously and spend a lot of time
practicing. If you want to improve your skills and become a great
volleyball player, it is important to spend time doing volleyball drills
and getting volleyball training.
Volleyball Drills: Drills for Beginners
For those looking to improve their skills as beginners, there are
many volleyball drills you can try. Here are a few of the best
volleyball training drills for beginners picking up a volleyball for the
first time:
Wall Hitting
For those who have yet to develop their skills with passing the
balls with their hands, hitting a specific spot on the wall is going to
be a challenge. You can draw a circle, hang a cloth, or mentally picture
a spot on the wall to hit, and bounce the ball off the wall. This drill
will help you to not only work on hitting the ball with your fingers,
but will help you get just the right angle as well.
Toss and Pass
This drill needs two people standing face to face. One person throws
the ball to the other person, and they pass it back and forth. Practice
passing with your hands and fingers, as well as hitting the ball with
the forearms. This will help to improve both accuracy and the ability to
gauge the power needed to set or pass the ball.
Wall Blocks
Many beginners have a hard time blocking the ball without hitting
the net. This drill basically involves you jumping straight up and
touching a spot on the wall with your hands, but without any part of
your arms touching the wall. Make sure to use good form for your block,
and it will help to improve your ability to block without hitting the
Line Passing
This volleyball drill requires a lot of people, at least 4 to a
side. Have all the players line up in two lines facing each other, and
have the first person pass the ball to the first person of the other
line. Once the ball is passed, the passer runs to the back of the line.
Continue this drill for at least 10 minutes to get all the players
accustomed to quickly hitting the ball and moving.
Volleyball Drills: Three Types of Volleyball Drills
Now that you have gotten some of the beginner volleyball training
out of the way, it is important that you understand the three types of
volleyball drills for the more advanced players:
1: Strategic, Tactical, and Systematic
These volleyball training exercises focus on working together as a
team, using tactics and strategy to outthink the players on the other
team. The drills usually involve a combination of skills used during the
game, and they use each player's individual skills to improve the team
as a whole. Try these drills:
Two vs Six
Sounds unfair, but pitting two players against six will help the
players to learn about playing defensively as well as working together
One vs One
Have one player take each side of the net, and have them volley off
against each other in a limited space. They can only hit the ball once
with their forearms, and this will help them to work on their stamina,
running speed, and ball placement.
Two on Two
Divide the team into smaller teams of two players, and pit them
against each other. The team that wins stays playing until they lose,
and the teams change after each loss. All of these drills will help your
team work together and understand each other's strengths and
2: Movement and Skill Specific
These volleyball training drills work on specific skills and
movements that each player needs to develop, such as serving, diving,
blocking, setting, and spiking. All of these drills just go through the
motions of developing the skills, and they are usually the beginner
exercises (see above). A few more movement and skill specific drills to
try include:
Progressive Serving
Line up all the players in two lines at the back of the court, and
have them serve to each other. The person who serves the ball runs to
the back of the line on the opposite side of the court.
Setting Drills
Place a player on each side of the net, and have them set the ball
to each other over the net. This helps improve accuracy and height
Spiking Practice
Have two players on each side of the net, and have them take turns setting up and spiking the ball over the net.
3: Volleyball Conditioning
These volleyball drills are designed to improve your overall
physical condition, thus helping to provide you with the strength and
stamina for volleyball training. Here are a few drills for volleyball
Consecutive Attacks
This drill helps to teach players how to attack the ball at every
hit, no matter how tired they are. One person is placed to set the ball,
and the hitter spikes as many balls as necessary until he has placed 10
spikes within the court boundaries.
Rotating Triangle
Set three players in a rough triangle on the court, and have them
pass the ball to each other. Once the third player hits the ball, they
all have to rotate to the next position without letting the ball touch
the floor.
Pop Ups
Have each player lie on their belly on the floor, and make them jump
to their feet and pass the ball when the whistle blows. This helps to
improve the speed they can recover from a dive. These will focus more on
speed, reflexes, strength, and stamina, all of which are needed in a
game of volleyball.
Volleyball Drills: Volleyball Practice Tips
Are you getting into volleyball training doing volleyball drills? Here are some tips for you:
- Warm Up - Failing to warm up causes sore and tired muscles the next day.
- Practice Daily - Spend at least an hour practicing every day to see your skills improve greatly.
- Repeat, Repeat - Repeating a drill helps your
muscles to store the movement in the muscle memory, making it easier to
perform without having to think about it.
- Perfection Matters - Only by practicing the perfect movements will "practice make perfect".
- Study - Learn as much as you can about the mechanics of the human body, how you move, and how you have to think when playing the game.
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