Saturday, January 19, 2013

The Skills Necessary to Block a Volleyball

Having a skilled defense is imperative to having a successful volleyball team. And nothing is more crucial to defense than the block. Blocking takes a lot of skill and cooperation among players to ensure a quality block is made. Below you will find tips on how to perform a better block.
Like most of the time in volleyball, start with your feet shoulder width apart. Start with the feet as it will help you set up the rest of your body.
Lower Body
The first thing you do is to make sure that your body is squared to the net. This is done by facing the net. Continue to stay in the athletic position here with your feet shoulder width apart and your knees slightly bent. Do not stand extremely close to the net. You really want to be about a half arms length from it.
Upper Body
This is the same as the lower body. Keep your upper body squared to the net. With your elbows bent, hold your arms out in front of you in a ready position. Keep your hands out and above your shoulders. This is how you maintain a ready position. You have to be sure that your hands do not go lower than your shoulders, or you are not ready to block. Maintaining this position will enable you to be ready. Remember that sets can come your direction very quickly.
Keep your eyes open. By doing this you can notice and foresee exactly where the hitter is planning to hit. Always know which hitter you are blocking before the play even begins.
If you want to get the block, you have to line up with the hitter. For instance, if a player is coming down the line, straight at you, the hitter will likely hit line. Block line.
Block Jump
This part takes practice and skill. You need to be able to time your hitter and jump at the correct time. Find your hitter and line your body up with the hitting arm. Jumping straight up and not fading right or left is imperative. Try to land in the same spot that you jumped from.
Hands and Arms
When performing to block, convince yourself to try and catch or grab the volleyball. Reach your hands as far across the net to do this. Keep your fingers as strong as possible and as spread out as possible.
When you feel the ball hit your hands, push as hard as you can. Shrugging your shoulders is really going to help this.

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