Thursday, January 31, 2013

High Intensity Plyometric Jumping Volleyball Drills

You have learned that you need to start jumping volleyball drills with low intensity plyometric exercises. This is to help strengthen the muscles and ligaments required for more intense training. Think about blowing up a balloon. Usually, if the balloon is a small, tight balloon, you stretch it out a bit, pulling on it to stretch the elastic. Then it becomes much easier to blow up the balloon, expanding it to larger proportions. The same holds true with plyomtric volleyball drills. You want to stretch the muscles in a working group before you expand them to their full usage.
One of the great volleyball drills to include with your intense workout is to revisit the vertical squatting jump. It starts in a squatting position, just like the double leg vertical jump. However with this variation, you will lift one leg off of the ground, holding it at a 90 degree angle so that all of your weight is on one leg, maintaining that squatting position. You then swing your arms back, counter moving your leg to prepare for the jump. Explosively jump straight up, throwing your arms above your head, reaching as highly as you can. The leg that you are holding up should remain in the same 90 degree angle throughout the entire jump. As you come down on your extended leg, you will squat back down, with your full weight still on the same leg. Quickly repeat the exercise several times on the same leg. This will help build a much stronger leg, which is vital to improving your jump. After repeating the vertical jumping volleyball drills on one leg, switch legs and do the same number on the opposite leg.
Some of the most intense volleyball drills to work on plyometric leg muscles is the depth jump. The depth jump should be performed from a height of about 12 inches. When the jumps can be performed perfectly, you can start adding 3 inches of height to the initial platform. Be careful when deciding to implement these volleyball drills on your team, though. Depth jumps, both normal and squatting, are extremely intense plyometric exercises. Because of this, ensure that your team is ready for them.
Exercises that include depth jumps generally include the standard depth jump and the squatting depth jump. Both of these volleyball drills begin the same way. Have your players start by standing comfortably on the edge of the platform. They will step out into the air, as if they were going to walk straight off the platform. The players should not jump down, nor step down, as this will actually change the height of the initial jump, which can make advancing to greater heights that much harder. In the standard depth jump, the players will land on the ground after their step, bending their knees slightly. Immediately have them jump straight back into the air. The squatting version works the exact same way, except that when they initially land on the ground after their step, they will squat down, swinging their arms back. Have them, without hesitation, explode upward, swinging their arms forward and upward, reaching straight up as highly as possible. Then have them land in a standard upright position. Restart from the top of the platform as you continue these volleyball drills, repeating several times during a session.
Plyomtric volleyball drills that help improve the jumping capabilities of your players can be difficult to come up with, and sometimes even more difficult to implement. The purpose behind them is to strengthen the entire set of muscles in the leg, without focusing entirely on a single muscle. As you work on these volleyball drills, you will find that your team's overall jumping ability and height will increase, allowing them to jump higher than their opponents. In volleyball, as in any jousting match, the higher position will almost always win when all other factors are equal. At the very base of these drills is the maxim that the higher your players can jump, the more successful your team will be.

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