Sunday, January 20, 2013

Best Volleyball Workout Drill to Increase Your Vertical Jump Height and Spike Over Your Competition

In order to increase you vertical jump height for volleyball you have to train in an efficient manner. Volleyball workout drills will help you add inches your vertical leap in a shorter amount of time than you might think.
The fact of the matter is that you can do drill after drill practicing you volleyball skills but if you can't jump high enough to spike or block, you will not be a good volleyball player.
So how do you jump higher for volleyball?

Jumping is all about training in the right way. You can't simply go do some squats or jump rope and expect to have serious gains in your vertical leap. You have to train multiple muscles for strength and then train them for speed as well.

Speed training is often referred to as plyometric training. Plyos involve a lot of jump training on boxes and giving it your all on every jump. If you want to have great hops you will have to learn to do proper jump training. You need power and simply strength or speed. The perfect combination of speed and strength equals power.
Power will make you jump higher than your competition which will result in you scoring more points and winning more games.
If you want to make it as a volleyball player, either indoor or on the beach, you have to be explosive. Plyometrics will also help your explosive movement to get to any ball. When you only have a split second to get to a ball you need all the speed you can get.
The best workout you can is to start with cleans. Cleans will help your strength in speed in your legs, which will convert to jumping ability.

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