Thursday, January 17, 2013

Volleyball Drills for Setting

Perhaps one of the most important skills in volleyball to learn is setting. Setting is the pivotal play for any volley, being the transition from the pass to the spike. Volleyball drills aimed at improving the setting skills of your team are some of the most important that you can run. Teaching your team proper techniques while developing control, accuracy and strength will ensure that they can handle any situation that may arise in a game. These volleyball drills will help ensure all of the necessary skills are in place and become almost second nature to your team.
Perhaps one of the most basic of the setting volleyball drills is done by pairs of players. Each player stands a short distance from each other. The first player tosses the ball to the second player who in turn sets it back to the first. The first sets it back and it continues like this until you call an end to the drill. However, after a player sets the ball, you should have them take 3 steps forward, towards their partner. When the ball is set back to them, it should go where the player originally started. This will force the player to go back the three steps he took. The movement is important because it teaches the players to be able to move and set them selves before even touching the ball. Obviously, proper form is critical for this set of volleyball drills to have an impact.
Volleyball drills are usually created to simulate real game situations. However, since they are just drills, you are welcome to stretch the bounds of reality a bit. This will come in handy for this next set of drills. Structured much like the previous drill, have your team pair up into partners. They will be setting the ball back and forth to each other. This time, you will have them increase the distance between them to at least 20 feet. At first, you don't want your players to move up and back between sets. Have them work on their accuracy, while they are working on the strength of their arms and fingers. Once they have the basic part of these volleyball drills down, have them increase the distance between them, or have them move forward 3 steps as before. The players will be developing the strengths needed to be a proper setter, as well learning distance accuracy which will help them immensely for short setting.
Incorporating different elements into your volleyball drills is a necessity also. You can use your setting drills to help the players control their lateral movement as well. Have the partners stand facing each other, about 10 feet apart. Player one should stand completely stationary, and set the ball to the right or left of their partner. Player two should then move laterally to intercept the ball and set it back directly to player one. Player one should be sure to switch what side he sets it to in order to keep his partner moving back and forth. After a couple of minutes, have them switch positions. This set of volleyball drills ensures that your players will be able to move sideways to make the play as necessary.

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