Friday, January 25, 2013

Defining Volleyball Defensive Terms - Here's Food For Thought

I don't know if this happened on purpose but for some reason a lot of the volleyball terms used to describe various defensive techniques are related to food or beverage items. I never noticed it while playing, but when I saw all the words written down on paper together, I noticed this trend. Below, I've given you some volleyball defense terms to use as food for thought....
pancake - A pancake is created by a player who has anticipated where a ball is going to hit the ground and places her hand, with her palm down on the very spot on the ground so the ball will contact her hand instead of the floor. Sometimes the pancake play is overused by players, but it can be very effective if you have completely extended yourself to get to a ball and the only option you have left is to extend your hand so the ball hits it, instead of the floor.
Chicken wing - The chicken wing is a play that usually occurs in beach volleyball when a player uses their elbow, because their arm is bent at more than 90 degrees to defend or dig a hard hit spike. Usually because they don't have time to straighten their arm or because the ball was hit right at their body a player may only have time to bend their arm and to use it like the wing of a chicken to get the ball in the air.
Pepper - To play pepper or to warm up with pepper consists of two teammates who line themselves up about half a court distance from each other and use the three basic volleyball skills of setting, forearm passing and controlled spiking in various combinations to accomplish one or all of these five things:
a. To Improve Ball Control volleyball skills.
b. To Improve Serve Receive volleyball technique.
c. To Increase Your Range in your Defensive Volleyball Skill.
d. To Narrow Your Focus and Concentration
e. To Increase Your Reactions and Reduce Fear of the Ball
To learn more about the pepper warmup make sure you read my article "How to Use Pepper Warmup to Improve Your Defensive Volleyball Skill."
Six pack - A six pack, to put it simply, is when the player on Team A spikes a ball in the face (some people say also the chest counts) of one of the defensive player's (either a blocker or back row player) on team B. Tradition says that since player B didn't get her hands up in time to defend the ball (or herself) she owes a six pack of beer to player A.
Roll - A roll, in this case is not a piece of bread, but like a "dive" it's another way a player can use their body to recover and/or "dig" an attacked ball that causes them to leave their feet.

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