Thursday, January 24, 2013

Volleyball Terms - Learn How to Serve a Volleyball

The serve is the only skill a player can use to take complete control of the game. Below you'll find a list of volleyball serving terms you can use as a study guide to help you increase your knowledge about this important skill.
sky ball - A sky ball is used primarily in beach volleyball and is a style of serve a player uses to take advantage of the wind and the sky. By serving the ball so that it crosses the net at about 15 or more feet into the air, the server forces the opposing team to take their eyes off of the court in order to track the ball, making it difficult for them to receive serve.
underhand serve - Typically used by beginners, the underhand serve is a serving skill, that a player who is standing behind their team's service line uses to begin the rally by tossing the ball with one hand two feet up in the air, steps towards it, and swinging their other arm back-- to contact the ball with a closed fist or closed palm to serve it over into the opposing team's court.
topspin - Topspin is applied by a server usually during a jump serve (but also with spikes and offspeed shots) which by making contact with the upper portion of the ball (the top panels) after its tossed, makes the ball spin forward faster, increasing its velocity so it drops faster once it crosses the net.
coach kill - A coach kill is the term used when a player on team A serves the ball into the net or commits a service error of any kind after the coach on team B called a time-out or substitution. The coach called the substitution or the timeout to distract the server and break his concentration, if the coach's strategy works then the "kill" or that point is attributed to the coach's action and not due to any particular player or team action.
friendly fire - Friendly fire is when a server hits their own teammate usually in the back of the head with the ball while attempting to start the rally with a serve.
husband and wife play - The husband and wife play happens when a server purposefully aims to serve the ball so it lands untouched between two players because of communication problems. A common tactic used by beach volleyball players who aims to serve the ball so it lands between the opposing team's left side and right side players, causing the ball the two players to "fight' over who is going to receive serve.
missile - A missile is the adjective used to describe the type of super hard driven serve made by a player.

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