Thursday, January 17, 2013

Volleyball Passing Practice

Being able to defend well when playing Volleyball is probably the most important skill that your team needs to have (and that has to be as a team and as individuals too). In order to do this consistently and without any problems, a lot of practise must go into Passing and defence in general. Passing needs to be done in conjunction with blocking as well, because those who are passing will take the areas left open by the block. Of course, there is the chance of the ball being spiked through the block, but in most cases you are able to move there in time.
The one thing that I must recommend beyond anything else is to be on your toes. If you are standing on your heels then that extra second that it takes to move is going to cost you. In my opinion, passing can be very boring. I have had a number of coaches that made the practice incredibly boring, and that is when things go wrong. If you don't enjoy the training then there is a good chance that you won't go to training, or that you won't participate with the energy that is required.
Remember that you will still learn passing skills in a game, so ensure that there is plenty of competition when you are playing a game. There are plenty of drills that are a lot of fun to do, and that will teach the people doing it a lot at the same time. These are the drills that you want to focus on, although with enough variety too! Learning to pass well often relies on plenty of theory too. You want to focus on where the blockers are going, squeezing up for when you are being attacked and the list goes on. I would also recommend recording games, as these are one of the best ways to look back and learn from.

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