Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Beach Volleyball Drills

Beach volleyball is all about your skill level and you skills depend on how well you practice.  Doing the right beach volleyball drills will improve your game more than any other thing.
What are some good beach volleyball drills?

I believe the best drills will mimic actual game play while improving your skills and thought processes.  A lot of the game is just knowing what to do or not to do in certain situations.

I recommend playing a game and filming it so that you can review all the areas that you need to work on.  It is very easy to see what you should be doing when watching from the sidelines but it's difficult when you are in the game.
A great drill for passing is to have one person serve you while you focus 5 passes on one specific thing such as keeping your eyes on the ball the whole time, then 5 more on moving your feet fast to get where the ball will be with plenty of time to spare and then 5 more focusing on keeping the arms perfectly straight throughout the whole movement.  You want to practice this so much that you don't even have to think of any one of the steps anymore because they occur naturally.
One of the most important drills is hitting and shooting with a blocker present.  You need to learn how to read a blocker and hit where they aren't.  This can't be done by hitting balls as hard as you can without a blocker there.  You have to have a block up during practice.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2603430

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