Wednesday, January 2, 2013

How to Jump Higher For Volleyball Players

Think about the last time you played volleyball, did you get blocked when you were spiking?  Think if you could hit over the blocks of your competition.  Lets face it most blocks are only a foot over the net most of the time.  If you can hit the ball 2 feet above the net you will not be getting blocked very often.
Jumping is what separates the boys from the men or the girls from the women.  If you can increase your vertical leap by 4 inches you will dominate other players and 4 inches is just the beginning.
Most high school coaches are not experts in jump training, in fact I would be very surprised if 1 percent of them had good workout programs that would really increase your vertical jump.
To be honest you are no where near you potential for jump height unless you are jumping 40 plus inches.  Girls that are jumping 24 inches are praised by high school coaches and they shouldn't be!  Girls need to be jumping 30 plus inches.
To jump higher you need to focus on 2 things, speed and strength.  Most workouts only hit strength and don't even do a good job at that.  When you are performing high reps and low weight you are not training to jump higher at all.
You most likely are training hard and getting sore and tired so it feels like you are getting a good workout but you really aren't training effectively in order to increase your jump height.

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