Tuesday, January 8, 2013

How to Improve Your Volleyball Skills

If you are looking for the magic bullet to take your Volleyball Skills up a notch, I am sorry to disappoint you. There simply isn't a 'get pro fast method' in Volleyball. Talk to the professionals, and they will all tell you that it takes the right technique combined with hours and hours of solid training. Of course, there are longer ways to go about getting good at playing Volleyball. If you are learning the wrong technique then you will certainly take longer to get good than those that have the right technique from the beginning.
You wouldn't believe how much the attitude and mental side of sports plays in learning, improving and performing at your best. There are coaches that focus entirely on this side of sport, and its worth looking into. Above and beyond that though, it comes down to your attitude to putting the hours in, and ensuring that you are learning the right technique.
I will suggest that placing a video camera on a tripod during every game (well away from anyone that could run into it) and recording each game is the fastest way to improve. You can watch the whole game, and if you do it soon after then you will remember the individual moments. Its easy to see on camera silly mistakes that were made, and you can easily correct these majority of the time. Even better, if you watch it with your team then you will be able to constructively criticize their performance, and they can do the same to you. Of course, you have to be careful this doesn't get too serious that people are put down, but creative and intuitive suggestions are usually welcome amongst team mates.
The other thing to remember is that if you really want to get good you just copy someone else. Go to as many top level Volleyball games and watch what the players do. You will very quickly see how the best of the best play, and they have done the hard work. There's nothing wrong with copying them either, its the fastest way to learn and you will even surprise yourself!
Above all though, have a positive attitude, be willing to listen to others and spend a lot of your time implementing good suggestions. If you have a good coach, then you will have no problem in taking huge steps forward with the right attitude. I'd also recommend combining the Volleyball Skills with weight training to ensure you are fit and perform at the highest level possible.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6474702

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