Friday, January 11, 2013

Volleyball Rules: Spiking the Volleyball

If for some explanation you are not conscious of this, spiking, or attacking, the ball is typically the third contact with the ball that a team makes. The reason teams use the spike is to put the ball way on the opponent's side of the net for a score. The action of spiking the volleyball is a process. The first thing a player must do is complete specific motion, which is called the "approach." The approach is typically three or four steps. After the approach comes the jump and then the spike. It is important to remember that players must be jumping straight up into the air and not into the net.
Whenever a player spikes a ball out of the back row it is known as a back row attack. The player has to jump from behind the 10 foot line line prior to coming into contact with the ball. A player can land, and usually does, within the ten foot line, close to the net. This is a good rule because it stops the best players on the tam from attacking every ball in the front row. Consequently, there are always just 3 players eligible to hit ahead of the ten foot line in the course of the match.
In an ideal world, the hitter should make contact with the ball at the top of his or her jump. When the contact is made, the arm of the hitter is extended fully above his or her head and it is slightly forward, this is important because a player should hit the ball as high as possible, while conserving the capability to give a potent strike. The hitter makes use of the wrist snap, arm swing and a quick forward contraction of the whole body (this is basically the pike position) to be able to hit the ball really hard. In the event that ball is hit hard and straight down,you might hear people calling it a 'bounce'. A "kill" is the term for an attack which cannot be returned by the opposing team and results in a point.
In terms of how and where to hit the ball, here are some examples. A line and sharp cross-court spike are the two ways a player should spike the ball. Most of the time these are the places to hit to get around the block. Hitting line means spiking the ball and trying to the sideline of the opponent's court (use this if you are an outside hitter or right side hitter) and a cross court shot is when you take the sharpest angle while hitting the ball over the net. A dump, aka, dink or tip, is when the player will, rather than spiking the ball, lightly coming in contact with the ball, in order that it hits the ground at an area of the court of the opposing team which is not covered by the opponents. My personal favorite is the swipe or tool. This is when an attacker basically pushes the ball into the blockers hands, then throws the ball off of the block and out of bounds, ending in a touch call on the blocker. I often loved doing this to blockers.

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